Check out the awesome video below that our team made. Enjoy!
AIR6+ is perfect for home, office and travel, purifying air in spaces up to 360 sq ft with minimal noise, and without HEPA waste and associated replacement costs.
3 color choices: Black, Silver/Black, White/Silver

AIRbox G2
AIRbox is the perfect air purifier for cars and other small spaces up to 100 sq ft.
2 Color - Silver / Black

Meet the most eco friendly air purifier ever
Compact, Stylish, Quiet, and with latest space air purification technology

PCO Space Tech
PCO technology that clean and break down all harmful particles without waste
PCO High Density Washable filter allow you to never buy a replacement filter again.
True Whisper Quiet
20dB true whisper quiet that you can sleep with it on. Compare to others that said 40db as whisper quiet.
FDA 510K cleared lab report
Virus testing in FDA 510K cleared lab